Backend Developer Using ChatGPT for Frontend Example

15 minute read

Thank you, Mr ChatGPT

Q represents my question, and the quoted text is the response from ChatGPT.

Q: Does the response object in axios include the request URL context? For example, I want to determine the request URL and automatically set keepToastOpen to true if the path contains “price_break_discount”. Here’s the code snippet: (I pasted the relevant business code)

In the response object of axios, there is no direct context information about the request URL. However, you can determine the request URL using alternative methods and set the keepToastOpen parameter accordingly.

One possible solution is to use the request interceptor of axios to check the URL before sending the request. You can set a custom request parameter to indicate whether to set keepToastOpen to true. Then, in the response interceptor, you can check this custom parameter and perform the necessary actions accordingly.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to achieve this using request and response interceptors:

// Request interceptor
axios.interceptors.request.use(config => {
  if (config.url.includes('price_break_discount')) {
    config.params = {
      keepToastOpen: true
  return config;
}, error => {
  return Promise.reject(error);

// Response interceptor
axios.interceptors.response.use(response => {
  if (response.config.params && response.config.params.keepToastOpen) {
    // Perform the necessary actions based on the URL condition
    // Call httpErrorHandler or other required logic here
  return response;
}, error => {
  return Promise.reject(error);

In the above code, we use the request interceptor to check if the URL includes 'price_break_discount'. If it does, we set keepToastOpen to true. Then, in the response interceptor, we check for this parameter and perform the corresponding actions.

Q: However, I’m handling it within the error. Is there a way to access the response context within the error handler? If I directly write httpErrorHandler(, response.config.params.keepToastOpen) within the error handling code, it throws an error saying response is undefined. Here’s the code snippet: (I pasted the relevant business code)

In the error handling function, you cannot directly access the response object (response). However, you can retrieve the request configuration information, including the params parameter, from the error object’s config property. You can then pass response.config.params.keepToastOpen as the third argument to the httpErrorHandler function.

Here’s an updated code snippet: (omitted the remaining parts)

const keepToastOpen = error.config.params && error.config.params.keepToastOpen;
httpErrorHandler(, keepToastOpen);

In the above code, we use error.config.params.keepToastOpen to retrieve the keepToastOpen parameter from the request configuration, and then pass it as the third argument to the httpErrorHandler function.

Reference: ChatGPT